1. Increasing Profitability

ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Increase Profitability with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

When you increase your business’s profitability, you increase the viability of your business and its ultimate value. A profit increase leads to the improvement in the flow of money to shareholders and owners, which is the ultimate reason for your business’s existence.

Some business people don’t like building profits as this increases tax liability. However, a concern toward the payment of tax normally stems from a low cash flow situation or the ability to pay the tax debts. Working with Mark Utzig and ProfitPlus Accounts Madison, we strive to create sustainable profits, improved cash flow, and strategic growth for your business.

We collaborate with your accountant to ensure ultimate tax planning is achieved

With ‘Increased Profitability’, you can create increased income for the shareholders and owners, along with increased value of the business.

2. Growing Your Cash Flow With ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Increase Cash Flow with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

With the improvement of profitability comes an improvement in cash flow. However, you can have a profitable business with a negative cash flow. Working together with Mark Utzig from ProfitPlus Accounts Madison, you can  improve profitability and cash flow to support a strengthening business.

There are 6 key areas to improving cash flow. Mark Utzig will assess these 6 key areas, create a plan to improve each area, make the necessary changes to build cash flow and then work as a team to monitor your ongoing KPI’s and success factors.

Long term profitability with positive cash flow supports the business to pay its shareholders and business owners, take marketplace opportunities and create something of high value.

3. Strategic Growth And Prosperity

ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Create Strategic Growth and Prosperity with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Setting your strategic growth is a collaborative process of working together to define where you want to take the business (expansion, profits, cash flow, equity value/wealth improvement etc.).

Once a strategic direction is defined and agreed to, ProfitPlus Accounts will work with you to build your business toward that direction, monitor critical success factors and gain your outcomes for the business and for owners/shareholders.

Growth leading to prosperity for both your business and prosperity for you as the owner and shareholders is the ultimate aim of working together.

4. Funding Shortfalls And Growth

ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Remove Funding Shortfalls With ProfitPlus Accounts Madison By Getting Bank Loans And Angel Investors

Creation of powerful business plan along with a live financial model (profits, cash flow, equity growth, product/service mix, right people and right systems) is the core of how Mark from ProfitPlus Accounts Madison works with you.

Defining the right business model and associated financial health leads to greater ability for funders (banks, lenders, investors, angel investors) to see the value of lending or investing in the business.

A plan linked to a robust business model validates to the funders/investors the ability to pay these people back when the time comes.

The ultimate goal is the improved viability of your business, the greater understanding of what makes your business financially capable, a robust business plan for review by funders, and ability to pay back your funders/investors in an appropriate time frame.

5. Maintain Financial Records

Maintain Financial Records with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Maintain Financial Records with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Maintaining the financial records of your business in an accurate and timely fashion is an essential part in running a profitable business. ProfitPlus Accounts of Madison can work with your current bookkeeper or can get bookkeeping done for you.

Working together to ensure your bookkeeping is accurate and up to date is the goal of ProfitPlus Accounts Madison so that we can monitor the business plan in real time and can assist in making any needed changes.

You can still use your accountant or CPA for tax advice and reporting but ProfitPlus Accounts Madison will use the data to drive the daily, monthly, quarterly needs of your business. By monitoring your bookkeeping numbers we can pinpoint areas which can be improved like profits drivers, or cash flow drivers, equity growth, the collection of debts owed to your business and overdue creditors.

ProfitPlus Accounts Madison will help you build a bookkeeping system that not only helps you make daily, monthly business decisions but also fulfills the needs of your tax adviser/preparer.

6. Diagnosing Improvements

Diagnose Improvements with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Diagnose Improvements with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Working with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison ensures that the right diagnosis is achieved.

Sometimes businesses think that all they need to do is get more clients or more sales. But many times this potential solution creates more of a negative cash flow for the business. We first need to understand how the business charges for their product or service, how they collect their charges and what their pricing structure is. An incorrect diagnosis can lead to a potential catastrophic failure of the business.

A solid diagnostic can be a true catalyst towards improvement in all areas of your business such as your lead flow, your conversion rate, the average value of spend by your customer, your profit, your cash flow, your organization’s direction, and much more.

7. Strategic Workshops with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Attend A Planning Workshop with ProfitPlus Accounts Madison

Attendance at one of ProfitPlus Accounts Madison’s strategic workshops has you defining the direction for your business over the next 12 months, 3 years and 5 years. Building a business model which delivers profits, cash flow and business equity growth is a key outcome of attendance at one of our workshops.

You can develop strategies for improvement from over 1,000 samples, create a live business plan which can be adjusted and printed at any time, financial modeling to develop the best results for your business by playing “What If” and a greater understanding of what drives your business.

Attend yourself, bring a key team member or book the workshop for all key team members of your business so they have buy-in to your values, your direction, and outcomes.

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